New Life Festival Night 2: The Holy Spirit is moving with power!
Last night we saw the altar filled again with people surrendering their lives to Jesus and many beautiful healings! Here are just a few of the testimonies:
– A lady left her walker behind and walked without it.
– A man had his spine shattered in a car accident in 2005. He could barely walk and had pain 24/7. He was healed and jumped with joy!
– A woman with degenerative disc disease was healed, her spine moved back to place, and the pain disappeared.
– Another woman had lower back pain for 20 years because of a car accident. She had to take so much medication that she became addict to painkillers. Jesus set her free last night!
– A man was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues during the prayer for healing.
– A woman with rheumatoid arthritis in her hand her whole life was without pain for as long as she could remember.
– Many demons left screaming as people were set free from oppression.
Pr. Paul Daughtery and Victory worship lead a powerful time of praise and worship.